Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Meet my future husband(s)...

I think my vision of the ideal man is pretty standard. I want him to have a great sense of humor, be kind and respectful, know how to be romantic, be intelligent but not snobbish about it, have ambitions and the drive to make them come true, and treat me like his better half. And since we're talking about my ideal man you can throw in good looks and a sizable bank account. The part that might not be as standard is that I want my man to have style. I'm not talking about putting on a button up and trousers. Any guy can do that. I'm also not talking about the guys that buy designer everything because Sevens jeans do not equate style if you don't know how to wear them. Instead, I'm talking about a man who is effortlessly chic. What would be the point of me looking fashionable when my counterpoint walks beside me looking like a slob? I want a man who can look truly comfortable in a three-piece suit but then turn around and make jeans look chic. In fact, I can be more specific. The picture above is from The Sartorialist. It is of two men in Paris. Both men are stylish but in two very different ways. The man on the left wears a hodgepodge of different accessories but manages to make it look cool but not too done. The guy on the right wears a suit without making it look stuffy. Find me a guy who could pull off both looks and I'd marry him in a heartbeat.

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